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Difference Between Champagne And Sparkling Wine

by Adriatik
9 minutes read
Champagne and sparkling wine difference

Champagne And Sparkling wine

You all have heard about Champagne, right? What about sparkling wine? Are they the same thing? When people think of celebrations, the sound of a bottle of bubbly being popped often comes to mind. Whether it’s for a birthday, a wedding, or a New Year’s Eve party, champagne and sparkling wine are popular drinks for special occasions. Many people use the words “champagne” and “sparkling wine” as if they are the same thing, but they are actually quite different. In this post, we will talk about the difference between champagne and sparkling wine in simple words.

What is Champagne?

Difference Between Champagne And Sparkling wine

As someone who seeks to gain more bar and beverage knowledge, you must understand what Champagne is and how is it made. Champagne is a type of sparkling wine, but not all sparkling wines are champagnes. Champagne is only made in a small region in France called “Champagne.” If a bottle of bubbly comes from somewhere else, it cannot be called champagne, even if it is made in the exact same way. This is because the French have very strict rules about what can and cannot be labeled as champagne.

The people in the Champagne region have been making this sparkling drink for a long time, and they believe it is special because of where it comes from. The soil, weather, and the way they make it all work together to give champagne a unique taste that is different from other sparkling wines.

How is Champagne Made?

Champagne is made from three types of grapes: Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, and Pinot Meunier. What makes champagne unique is the way it is made, which is called the “Traditional Method” or “Méthode Champenoise.” In this method, the wine goes through two stages of fermentation. The first fermentation happens like regular wine, but then the wine is bottled with some extra sugar and yeast, which causes the second fermentation to happen inside the bottle.

This second fermentation is what makes the bubbles. The bubbles are actually carbon dioxide gas that is trapped in the wine. This process takes a long time because the wine has to rest for at least 15 months, and sometimes much longer. During this time, the champagne develops its flavors and the bubbles become tiny and delicate. The smaller the bubbles, the finer and more luxurious the champagne feels when you drink it.

What is Sparkling Wine?

Champagne and sparkling wine

Now that we know what champagne is, let’s talk about sparkling wine. Sparkling wine is any wine that has bubbles in it, just like champagne. However, sparkling wine can be made anywhere in the world and it does not have to follow the same strict rules as champagne. This means there are many different kinds of sparkling wine, each with its own taste and style.

There are several different methods to make sparkling wine, and each method gives the wine a different kind of bubble and flavor. The bubbles in sparkling wine are made the same way as in champagne—by trapping carbon dioxide gas in the wine—but the way this happens can vary. Let’s look at a few common types of sparkling wine and how they are made.

Types of Sparkling Wine:

Prosecco is a popular sparkling wine that comes from Italy. Unlike champagne, which goes through its second fermentation inside the bottle, prosecco goes through its second fermentation in large steel tanks. This method is called the “Tank Method” or “Charmat Method.” Because of this, prosecco tends to have larger bubbles and a lighter, fruitier taste than champagne. Prosecco is often less expensive than champagne, which is why it is a great option for people who want bubbly but do not want to spend a lot of money.

Cava is a sparkling wine from Spain. It is made in a similar way to champagne, using the Traditional Method. This gives cava a finer bubble and a more complex flavor than prosecco, but it is usually more affordable than champagne. Cava is a great choice for people who like the taste of champagne but are looking for a less expensive option.

Crémant is another type of sparkling wine that comes from France, but it is not from the Champagne region. Like champagne, crémant is made using the Traditional Method, so it has fine bubbles and a rich flavor. Since it does not come from Champagne, crémant is usually more affordable than champagne, making it a good choice for people who want French bubbly without the high price tag.

Sparkling Wine from the U.S. and Other Countries
Many other countries, including the United States, Australia, and New Zealand, also make sparkling wines. Some of these wines are made in the Traditional Method like champagne, while others are made using different methods like the Tank Method. The flavors of these wines can vary widely depending on where they are made and which grapes are used.

What Makes Champagne More Special?

While sparkling wine can be made anywhere, champagne is special because it can only be made in one specific place in the world. The Champagne region has the perfect weather and soil for growing the grapes that are used to make champagne. This gives champagne a special flavor that cannot be exactly copied anywhere else.

Also, the Traditional Method that is used to make champagne takes a lot of time and care. Every step of the process is done with great attention to detail, which is why champagne often costs more than other sparkling wines. The long aging process gives champagne more complex flavors, and the tiny bubbles make it feel more elegant to drink.

Price Differences and Which One Should You Choose?

One of the biggest differences between champagne and sparkling wine is the price. Champagne is usually much more expensive than other types of sparkling wine. This is because champagne takes a lot longer to make, and the process is more complicated. The strict rules that the Champagne region follows also make the production of champagne more costly. On the other hand, sparkling wines like prosecco, cava, and crémant can be made more quickly and with less strict rules, which is why they often cost less. However, just because sparkling wine is cheaper does not mean it is not good. Many sparkling wines are delicious and are great for everyday celebrations or when you want to enjoy something bubbly without spending a lot of money.

The choice between champagne and sparkling wine really depends on the occasion and your personal taste. If you are celebrating something very special and want to treat yourself, champagne might be the perfect choice. The fine bubbles and complex flavors make it feel luxurious and extra special. If you are having a casual gathering or just want a glass of bubbly to enjoy on a regular day, sparkling wine is a fantastic option. There are so many different kinds of sparkling wine to choose from, and you can find one that suits your taste and budget.

In the end…

In the end, the biggest difference between champagne and sparkling wine is where they come from and how they are made. Champagne is a type of sparkling wine that comes from the Champagne region in France and follows very strict rules. Sparkling wine can come from anywhere in the world and be made in different ways. Both are delicious and fun to drink, so whether you choose champagne or sparkling wine, you are sure to have a bubbly time! Now that you know the difference between Champagne and sparkling wine, you must be more confident in your work behind the bar!

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is Champagne?

Champagne is only made in a small region in France called “Champagne.” If a bottle of bubbly comes from somewhere else, it cannot be called champagne.

How is Champagne Made?

What makes champagne unique is the way it is made, which is called the “Traditional Method” or “Méthode Champenoise.”

What is Sparkling Wine?

Sparkling wine is any wine that has bubbles in it, just like champagne.

All the images in this post are from Pexels (not copyrighted and free commercial use).

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