Home » 10 Popular German Beer Brands That Everyone Should Know

10 Popular German Beer Brands That Everyone Should Know

by Adriatik
12 minutes read
Most Popular German Beer Brands In The World

Why German Beer Brands Are Popular?

As every beer lover knows, German beer brands are quite popular. Before we go further the most popular German beer brands, let’s have a better understanding why German beers are popular and loved everywhere. German beers are popular around the world for many reasons. First, Germany has a long history of brewing beer, going back hundreds of years. They even have a law called the “Reinheitsgebot,” which means “purity law,” that was made in 1516 to ensure the quality of beer. This law said that beer could only be made with three ingredients: water, barley, and hops. Later, yeast was added to the list. This helped make sure that the beer was always pure and safe to drink. Because of this, German beer has a reputation for being high-quality and delicious.

The tradition and care that go into making German beer make it taste great, which is why people from all over the world love to drink it. The taste of German beer is something special and here are many different types, from light and refreshing beers to dark and strong ones. Some are a bit sweet, while others are more bitter, so there is a German beer for every taste. People who try German beer often say it tastes clean and crisp, without any strange or overpowering flavors. This is because the brewers in Germany take their time to make sure every step of the brewing process is done just right.

Knowing about German beer brands is also important because it helps you appreciate the different flavors and styles of beer that come from Germany. When you know more about these brands, you can choose the perfect beer for different occasions, whether you’re having a meal, celebrating with friends, or just relaxing. Now let’s go further below and have a look into the 100 popular German beer brands.

10 Popular German Beer Brands

1. Beck’s Beer

Popular german beer brands

Beck’s is one of the most popular German beer brands. It started in the city of Bremen in 1873. Beck’s is a pale lager, which means it is light in color and taste. It has a crisp and clean flavor with a slight bitterness with a moderate alcohol content, typically around 4.8%. Beck’s Pilsner has a well-balanced flavor with a mild bitterness from the hops, which is complemented by a subtle sweetness from the malt. It has a light to medium body with a refreshing, slightly dry finish.

The beer’s taste is characterized by a grassy, herbal hop flavor, with a hint of breadiness from the malt. Beck’s Beer is one of Germany’s most exported beers and is available in over 120 countries worldwide. It is particularly popular in Europe and the United States. The brand has maintained a strong reputation for quality and consistency, making it a staple in many markets.

2. Weihenstephaner Beer


Weihenstephaner is another very popular German beer brand which started in 1040! It comes from the Weihenstephan Abbey in Bavaria. The brewery is a popular destination for beer enthusiasts and tourists alike, who visit to experience a taste of brewing history. The Weihenstephan Brewery is deeply rooted in monastic traditions, having originally been a Benedictine monastery. The monks at Weihenstephan were among the earliest practitioners of brewing in Europe, refining techniques that would influence beer production for centuries.

This brand is famous for its wheat beers, which are made from wheat instead of just barley. Weihenstephaner wheat beer is smooth, with a fruity flavor, and is very refreshing. Weihenstephaner is particularly renowned for its traditional Bavarian styles of beer, including Hefeweissbier (Wheat Beer), Kristallweissbier (Crystal Wheat Beer), Weissbier Dunkel (Dark Wheat Beer) and Vitus. Weihenstephaner beers are celebrated worldwide for their quality and consistency, often winning awards in international beer competitions.

3. Paulaner Beer

Paulaner, German Beers

Paulaner is one of Germany’s most famous beer brands, with a rich history that dates back to the early 17th century Paulaner is from Bavaria, specifically from Munich and itt was first made by monks in the 1600s. Paulaner is famous for its Hefeweizen, a type of wheat beer. The taste is sweet and fruity, with hints of banana and clove. Paulaner also makes other types of beer, like lagers and pilsners.

Paulaner has grown from its monastic origins into a global brand, exporting its beers to over 70 countries. It is especially popular in Europe, North America, and Asia, where it is seen as a symbol of Bavarian beer culture. As one of the official breweries of Munich’s Oktoberfest, Paulaner plays a significant role in this world-famous beer festival. Its Oktoberfest Bier is one of the most popular beers served at the event, and Paulaner’s large beer tent is a key attraction during the festival.

4. Warsteiner Beer

Warsteiner popular german beer

Warsteiner is also a very popular German beer brand that comes from the town of Warstein. It started in 1753. Warsteiner’s most famous beer is a pilsner, which is a type of pale lager. This beer is light, crisp, and has a slightly bitter taste and it is one of the most famous beers in Germany.

Warsteiner beer is brewed using water from the Kaiserquelle, a natural spring near Warstein. The purity and mineral content of this water contribute to the beer’s distinctive taste. he brewery uses select Hallertau hops, known for their aromatic qualities, and high-quality malted barley, ensuring a consistent and premium product. Warsteiner is not just popular in Germany but also has a significant presence in over 60 countries worldwide. It is one of the few German beers that has achieved international acclaim and widespread distribution.

5. Bitburger Beer

bitburger german beer popular

Bitburger is a very tasty beer from Bitburg, a town in the western part of Germany. It started in 1817. The brand is best known for its pilsner. Bitburger is very crisp and has a refreshing taste with a little bitterness. It is a common beer found in many bars across Germany. This beer has a bright golden color, a fine, creamy head, and a distinctive hop aroma. It offers a clean, dry finish with a slight bitterness that lingers pleasantly on the palate. With an ABV of around 4.8%, it is a refreshing beer that can be enjoyed throughout whole the seasons.

Like all German beers adhering to the Reinheitsgebot, Bitburger Premium Pils is brewed using only water, barley, hops, and yeast. The brewery places great emphasis on the quality of its ingredients, particularly the water sourced from the Eifel region, which is renowned for its purity.

6. Erdinger Beer

Erdinger popular beer

Erdinger is a popular German beer brand that focuses on wheat beers. It comes from a small town called Erding, near Munich, and was founded in 1886. It’s a traditional Bavarian-style wheat beer, known for its cloudy appearance, fruity aroma, and smooth, refreshing taste. This beer is one of the most popular wheat beers worldwide. Erdinger is one of the most widely recognized wheat beer brands globally. It is exported to over 90 countries and has a strong presence in markets like the United States, Canada, and across Europe.

Erdinger beer have some varieties such as Erdinger Dunkel, Erdinger Kristall, Erdinger Pikantus and Erdinger Alkoholfrei. Erdinger is deeply committed to the traditional methods of brewing wheat beer, particularly the process of bottle conditioning, which gives their beers a distinctive character and natural effervescence. The brewery places a strong emphasis on using only the highest quality ingredients, including locally sourced water, select wheat, barley, and Hallertau hops, one of the most prestigious hop-growing regions in the world.

7. Krombacher Beer

Most popular German beer krombacher

Krombacher is another super popular German beer brand from Krombach, a town in western Germany. It started in 1803. Krombacher’s most famous beer is a pilsner. This beer is crisp, with a balanced taste of malt and hops. Krombacher is one of the top-selling beers in Germany and is widely known worldwide.

Over the years, Krombacher expanded from a local brewery into one of Germany’s largest beer producers. The brewery has remained privately owned, allowing it to stay true to its values and maintain high standards of quality. Krombacher Pils is the brewery’s flagship product and is considered one of Germany’s most popular and best-selling pilsners. It exemplifies the crisp, clean, and slightly bitter profile that is characteristic of the pilsner style. Brewed according to the Reinheitsgebot (the German Beer Purity Law), Krombacher Pils uses only water, malted barley, hops, and yeast. The water, known as Felsquellwasser® (rock spring water), is exceptionally soft and mineral-rich, giving the beer its unique, refreshing character.

8. Spaten Beer

Spaten beer

Spaten is one of Munich’s oldest beer brands, dating back to 1397. It is famous for its lagers, especially Spaten Münchner Hell, which is a pale lager. This beer is smooth and has a mild, slightly sweet taste. Spaten is often served during the famous Oktoberfest in Munich. The brewery was relatively small until the mid-19th century when it was acquired by the Sedlmayr family, who significantly expanded its operations and influence.

Like all traditional German beers, Spaten Münchner Hell is brewed according to the Reinheitsgebot, using only water, barley, hops, and yeast. It is a bottom-fermented beer, which gives it a clean, crisp taste. This beer has a bright, golden color with a fine, white head. The flavor is smooth and slightly sweet, with subtle maltiness balanced by a gentle hop bitterness. It has an ABV of around 5.2%, making it a refreshing and approachable beer suitable for various occasions.

9. Augustiner Beer

Augustiner is another old and popular German beer brand, founded in 1328 by monks of the Augustinian order in Munich. It is one of the most respected beer brands in Bavaria. Augustiner’s most famous beer is the Helles, a light lager with a smooth, malty flavor. It is also a favorite at Oktoberfest. Unlike many other historic breweries that have been absorbed into larger corporate entities, Augustiner has remained independent. It is still privately owned, and this independence allows the brewery to focus on quality and tradition without the pressures of mass production.

Augustiner is known for its adherence to traditional brewing techniques. The brewery still uses wooden barrels (Hirschen) for the maturation of some of its beers, a practice that has largely been abandoned by most modern breweries. This commitment to tradition is part of what makes Augustiner beer so distinctive.

10. Franziskaner Beer

Franziskaner is also a popular German beer brand from Munich that started in the 1300s. It is known for its wheat beers, especially the Hefeweizen. Franziskaner is a brand that represents the best of Bavarian brewing tradition. The brewery traces its origins to the 14th century, and its beers have become synonymous with high-quality, authentic German wheat beer.

Despite changes in ownership and the growth of the brand, Franziskaner has remained committed to producing traditional Bavarian wheat beers, maintaining its reputation as one of the finest wheat beer producers in Germany. Franziskaner is deeply embedded in Munich’s beer culture. It is a staple in beer gardens, restaurants, and pubs throughout Bavaria and is widely regarded as one of the quintessential examples of Bavarian wheat beer. Franziskaner beers are exported to numerous countries around the world, making them one of the most internationally recognized German wheat beer brands. The brand’s global presence has introduced many people to the classic Bavarian wheat beer style.

So as you read above, that was the list of the most popular German beer brands that are recognized and known by most of the people around the world. This is a basic product knowledge that a bartender or someone who is working in the Food & Beverages industry must know.

Featured image from Independent.

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